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May 29, 2009

‘Coming into Focus’ exhibit launched at Image Factory

Story PictureComing into Focus – that’s the theme of the latest display of digital photography at the Image Factory. It features the work of twenty-eight new photographers, all students of the well known local artist, Yasser Musa. Over the course of their digital imagery course at the Professional Studies at Saint Johns College, Musa says he was so inspired by the photos, he decided to share it with the public. On display are approximately two hundred photos, depicting everything from land and seascape to abstract images and portraits. We took a sneak peak at the photographs and got the stats on how the exhibit came about.

Yasser Musa, Director, Image Factory Art Foundation
“I would present a topic, for example portrait, and ask the students to go out and shoot a portrait and they would do creative things like use a mirror or reflection or glass or take a portrait of a family member; whatever. It was up to them. But before they did that, we would look at famous photographers from around the world so we can get an idea as to the vast power of photography. And I really believe that the course inspired these students because what you see on the wall today in the exhibition room reflects a real breakthrough in my view in terms of their growth, in terms of their abilities, how they move—not just technically, the photographs got better—but conceptually. They were able to think through a lot of visual issues. The images are varied; there are all types and forms of picture making involved in this show. Even within one subject, for example abstract works, where they would maybe photograph light and the thing becomes very distorted. Even within that small category, there is a large field or spectrum of ideas that the students develop. We did a project in landscape where they had to shoot the land, sky and the sea and when you look at the works you will see what a variety of landscapes and seascapes that were produced.”

The exhibit opens tonight at seven. Musa says he hopes to have additional displays featuring his students’ works.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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