P.U.P. says it’s time to vote – U.D.P. out?
At his press conference today, Briceño made a last appeal to voters to exercise their constitutional rights to determine the leaders of the towns and city councils across the nation. Briceño says that the election will be a referendum on crime and corruption.
John Briceño, P.U.P. Leader
“I think it has already turned into a referendum on the national issues; there are three major issues in the minds of Belizeans. The number one issue is crime and unfortunately here we are talking about a four-year-old child that was murdered last night. The second one is the issue of corruption. I just issued a release where the Montero family collected another one point four [million dollars]. They paid thirteen thousand two hundred and twenty-nine dollars for land in 1998 and now the Barrow/Faber U.D.P. government has compensated Minister Montero’s sister and brother-in-law to the tune of one million four hundred and eighty-eight thousand nineteen dollars and fifty-three cents. If that is not an outrage? If that noh get we upset to take some sort of action, then what?”