Prime Minister tours Dangriga
The venue for the Prime Minister’s announcement was the beginning of the Dangriga leg of his nationwide tour. The P.M. was received at the town’s entrance this morning with a cultural welcome. He visited the drainage project on Saint Vincent Street and toured a number of the town’s neighbourhoods, accompanied by Mayor Cassian Nunez. One of the Prime Minister’s major stops was at Ecumenical College where he addressed the students. He also opened the P.U.P. Hall and stopped at Holy Ghost, Zion Adventist, Epworth Methodist and Christ the King primary schools, as well as Delille Academy. This afternoon he had lunch with people from the business, religious, and N.G.O. communities before continuing his tour with stops at Solid Rock and Sacred Heart Schools. Before he left, the Prime Minister also broke ground for the Buyei Juan Lambey Institute, toured a new housing site, and opened the Helpage Garifuna Craft Exhibition. This evening, the Prime Minister attends a ceremony to posthumously honour Thomas Vincent Ramos with the Order of Belize at the Alejo Beni Park, after which he will take part in a parade to the T.V. Ramos Monument.