Bernard Wagner: P.U.P. CitCo Will Perform
Bernard Wagner enters office with an uncertain grasp of how well off the Council is. The Municipal Bond is tied to the City’s subvention from Central Government and other sources are not considered reliable. During Friday’s House meeting, Prime Minister Dean Barrow accused Caribbean Shores area rep Kareem Musa of preparing for the Council to fail by making excuses about its financial affairs. He said it’s now time to govern, and the new Mayor told us that he’s ready, with or without Belmopan.
Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
“I know the P.M. is no Mark King (laughs), and I believe that with our steady hand at the wheel, with the support from our business community, with the support of our residents of the City, and with whatever support the Government provides, we will be able to administer the City; administer it in a prudent manner. Mayor [Kevin] Bernard in Orange Walk has shown us a blueprint. This is not rocket science; this is not a hard thing to do. You’re receiving money – you’re receiving your revenues; now you have to be able to allocate those resources and revenues where it matters; you have to be able to allocate in a fair and equitable fashion so that all the residents of the City feel the love. In terms of the Central Government’s assistance to us, of course we welcome any assistance, and I’m certain that our good Prime Minister, considering the circumstances of last week, would find it hard-pressed not to render some assistance to us, lest he loose further ground.”