Glen Eiley takes over Stann Creek West
In the Stann Creek West division, Glen Eiley, Placencia Village Chairman, has replaced Duncan McPherson. McPherson told the press he was stepping down for personal reasons and made sure the audience knew exactly where his loyalties lie.
Duncan McPherson, Former. U.D.P. Candidate, Stann Creek W.
“None of us were born perfect. Likewise organizations, such as political organizations, they are never perfect but my gosh, nowhere, nowhere can the U.D.P. ever come close to the vindictiveness and the corruption as displayed by an arrogant, reckless and a trampling P.U.P..”
Glen Eiley, U.D.P. Candidate, Stann Creek West
“My task is, big but I have no doubt that I will be able to get to these folks at my earliest possible convenience, which is shortly, and let them understand that I have finally taken the step that they have been asking me to do for some time now.”
“And I am here to today to say that I plan to work vigilantly to bring about some necessary changes to enhance the livelihood, the health and the prosperity of my wonderful little Placencia and Belize on a whole.”
Both changes in candidates have been ratified by the U.D.P.’s National Party Council. Constituency conventions will still be held, but the party hopes those will result in endorsements rather than contests. According to Party Leader Dean Barrow, these alterations complete his dream team going into the national elections next year, likely to be held in August.