Gas station operators want bigger share
Gallon for gallon, Belize’s fuel prices have been rising at an alarming rate, largely the result of international forces. For Belizean service station operators, the price formula is such that they get six percent of the retail price, a figure the association wants to change. On Friday, the dealers representing the country’s thirty-six gas vendors met with Minister of Budget Management Ralph Fonseca and Deputy Prime Minister Johnny BriceƱo. The outcome of that sit down was the appointment of a commission whose mandate would be to review and likely revise the current price formula. But today, while gas station owners supported the idea of the commission, they requested that their take be upped immediately to nine percent as: quote “immediate relief and a sign of good faith during negotiations” end quote. According to President of the Belize Service Station Dealers Association, Norberto Rancharan, their demands are justified.
Norberto Rancharan, Pres., Service Station Dealers Assn.
“Although we have increases in traffic, the pie is so big and definitely, more service stations means the pie gets smaller, simply.”
“When the fuel prices were at five dollars, we were making forty-five cents a gallon. Now that it’s close to seven dollars, we are still making forty-five cents. So we’re asking for an increase in margin that is allotted…the price of fuel is comprised of different factors, and what we are asking is for the government to address our margin, which is an element of the price.”
Janelle Chanona
“What if Government is not able to give you what you’re asking for, want then?”
Norberto Rancharan
“Options are open at this time, but we hope that the commission will come up with positive results for the association.”
The commission will include government officials, representatives of the Belize Service Station Dealers Association, the Belize Association of Petroleum Truckers, and fuel importers. Their recommendations should be in hand within the next two months.