Second O.A.S. team to investigate illegal settlers
Another team from the Organization of American States arrived in Belize today to further investigate the group of people that have taken up lodging just outside the Belizean town of Benque Viejo del Carmen. According to Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, David Gibson, O.A.S. official Sergio Caramagna and Chris Hernandez Roy, Deputy to the Assistant Secretary General of the O.A.S., arrived this afternoon to clarify certain points of Caramagna’s previous report on the community, and for a definitive look at the site, the number of people living there, their nationality and how many dwellings have been constructed to the east and west of the adjacency line. Belizean government officials, including representatives from the Foreign Ministry and surveyors from the Ministry of Natural Resources, will accompany the team as they conduct their investigation, and it is expected that the Guatemalans will do the same. Their visit is expected to be short, and a subsequent report will be submitted to the facilitators in the Belize Guatemala territorial differendum process.