Darrell Bradley Insists Father Joe Signed for No Tab at Chon Sing
The tab at Chon Sing Restaurant which came up to roughly six thousand dollars, according to Bradley, is a blatant falsehood. He says that for payment to have been approved, a check would have had to be endorsed by himself, the director of finance, as well as the city administrator, based on a system of checks and balances implemented by the council.
Isani Cayetano
“You mentioned the debt that was paid to the Chinese restaurant. The allegation here, however, is that that was purportedly a debt that was raised by your father and not necessarily on behalf of the city council, in terms of purchasing food and drinks. How do you respond to that?”
Darrell Bradley, Former Belize City Mayor
“Absolute lie. So that again, and this is where I am inviting the media to challenge this; every single person, because people have been texting me from the city council. Every single person knows that you don’t write a check. Nobody writes a check at city council without substantial documentation, so that if there’s a check for four thousand dollars, for five thousand dollars, for six thousand dollars, three people need to sign that check: the director of finance, the mayor, the city administrator and that check, when that check comes to me it will be like a package and it’s going to include all the receipts when every single expense, according to that check, was incurred. City council can’t just pay a check. Can’t. You have enough checks and balances that we put in place. You have to have a budget item and you have to have supporting documentation in terms of a receipt, so I would say that that story about any single person, including my father, going to any Chinese shop or going to any place and signing for city council [or anything], that is absolutely false. That never happened. That is a lie! And any person who believes that, you’re believing foolishness.”