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Sep 26, 2002

George Price Centre opened in Belmopan

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It fell through the cracks of our coverage, but what will stand up as the most lasting achievement of this year’s Independence celebrations took place on Saturday in Belmopan. That is the inauguration of the George Price Centre for Peace and Development. The two-storey building, constructed with private contributions, houses a library and meeting rooms along with an archive and memorabilia from Price’s political career, which now stands at fifty-two years and counting.

George Price, Senior Minister

“Many thanks are due to so many people. To the Prime Minister for naming the centre George Price; he gave the name, but he did not give me the building, so it doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to all of us. To the contributors, who gave the money to build this, to the architect Mr. Gustavo Guerra, who is in the Pickstock Division also, and of course Brian Mena and his workers. So many people contributed to this, and you have contributed to it too by your presence. So we thank all of you, and we hope and pray it will be put to a good purpose.”

The bust of Price outside the building was created by well-known sculptor Stephen Okeke.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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