Discussing Experts to CARICOM
Earlier this week, BELTRAIDE’s Export Belize and the Directorate General for Foreign Trade held a roundtable meeting with private sector enterprises to share their experiences in exporting to CARICOM with potential exporters. The purpose of the session is for companies that have an interest in exporting to markets in CARICOM to receive first-hand account of the steps needed to start the exportation process. Shahera McKoy of Export Belize shares more about the session.
Shahera McKoy, Manager, Export Belize [BELTRAIDE]
“The idea is to have an open discussion on the trade opportunities in CARICOM; addressing some of the challenges faced in entering CARICOM, trading in CARICOM, the logistics of trading into CARICOM. We had presentations by DGFT and Export Belize talking about our role and support to private sector. We also had presentations on trade opportunities that we are seeing in CARICOM and we are now in discussions among private sector in terms of addressing some of the challenges faced.”
Andrea Polanco
“What new opportunities were discussed?”
Shahera McKoy
“DGFT did a presentation about the trade opportunities. They referenced the CET suspension request that comes in from other CARICOM countries that are looking for particular products in the region that are asking if there are supplies of these products anywhere in the region. In looking at the historical data of those requests, we have noted some of the oils, for example, soy bean oil, palm oil, sunflower oil. There are also several spices; one of the key ones requested in CARICOM is Tumeric. We are also seeing additional juices, for example, soursop concentrate and those kinds of things we believe that Belize can take advantage of once the companies do the backend work in terms of engaging farmers. We have also taken the opportunity to partner with DGFT to do some presentations in the past to some communities about these opportunities and we intend to continue that work.”