U.D.P. Chairman Calls Case ‘Waste of Time’
At this morning’s break, U.D.P. Party Chairman Alberto August offered his guarded view of the proceedings. He felt the other side did not look good, but it was still too early to tell the outcome of the case. But he expressed some confidence in a positive outcome.
Alberto August, Chair, United Democratic Party
“Just looking at the face value of the evidence that has been presented so far, it looks to me, without seeking to prejudice of course the outcome of the case, but it seems to me like it’s just a waste of time. We’re dealing with numbers – one and one is equal to two. Basically, I am seeing like they are putting these people on the stand and they are taking them for fools on the stand, man.”
“Now sir, while that is your position, there are those who are concerned that the U.D.P. are simply trying to discredit this complaint, because you stand to lose if the court rules against you.”
Alberto August
“Not exactly, and like I said it’s up to the judge to make that decision. I’m not here to speak on the matter, like I said, because the matter is still before the court.”