B.P.P. Included in Re-registration Process
A seat at the table is what the Belize Progressive Party has been clamoring for, in respect of the upcoming, countrywide re-registration exercise. That call has been heeded by the Elections and Boundaries Department which has since included the B.P.P. in all meetings related to the pending process. This morning during a press brief, Paco Smith provided an update on the party’s inclusion, as well as reasons why all eligible voters must participate in the activity.
Paco Smith, Belize Progressive Party
“I would just like to inform that, well the B.P.P. is pleased to announce that we have been included in that particular process. The Elections and Boundaries Commission has done a very good job in terms of keeping us abreast of the meetings. We have our seat at the table which is very important, but what we would like to underscore to all Belizeans is the importance of getting involved and getting re-registered. This is critical. The exercise that is going to commence in July, next month, is very important. If you are looking at the timeline and my brothers here can correct me if I’m wrong because I’m not really too good with calculations, but it’s been about two decades, almost two decades since this re-registration process has been due. So, first and foremost, Belizeans at home and abroad because there are Belizeans in the Diaspora and I know that they have their interests as well with regards to voting and what have you, it’s important that you take part in this critical exercise. Two reasons: number one – the voters lists are terribly and horribly outdated and number two – we have the impending referendum that is coming up. It is very important that we get these lists as accurate as possible and everyone knows, unless you’ve been hiding somewhere in a dark corner that we have general elections scheduled to come up within the next couple years and very likely it might be called beforehand. But all the same, it is important, it is critical that Belizeans engage this process, do what you have to do to become registered because when you really go to think about it, these lists are the lifeblood, within certain respects to our democratic process. So that’s all I’d like to say on that point right now.”