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Home » Trials » Cordel Flores Remanded for Trafficking over 25 Pounds of Weed
Jun 20, 2018

Cordel Flores Remanded for Trafficking over 25 Pounds of Weed

Cordel Flores

Freedom for twenty-nine-year-old Cordel Flores was short lived after his recent release from jail on a bail from the Supreme Court. Flores was back in court today, this time before Magistrate Khadeem Palmer, and charged with two counts of drug trafficking for a total of eleven point five kilograms of cannabis, which is over twenty-five pounds.  On Tuesday morning, police were on mobile patrol on Albert Hoy Street in Belama Phase One when they spotted Flores driving a vehicle.  When he was stopped, police saw him discard a bag which when retrieved, contained two hundred and twenty grams of cannabis.  Flores was accompanied to his house on Arlington Drive where police found two parcels of weed hidden in a barrel. Flores is no stranger to the law. In 2015, he was acquitted of the 2009 murder of Alberto Allen by a jury of twelve which was unable to reach a verdict in the case of co-defendant, Warren Lewis. Both men were first tried in 2013, but the trial was discontinued when one of the jurors acted inappropriately.

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