Students learn about tourism from B.T.B.
Today, students from the Belize, Orange Walk and Cayo Districts participating in a B.T.B. sponsored summer programme, demonstrated what they’ve learnt about the tourism industry. The students were asked to come up with three-dimensional displays depicting what business venture they’d embark on ten years in the future. The ideas ranged from a restaurant with a glass floor and underwater dormitory to a resort with a man-made water attraction. According to the Tourism Board’s Janine Alpuche, the growing industry must have the support of youth.
Janine Alpuche, Belize Tourism Board
“Over the past couple of years, we have seen the tourism industry grow. And we believe that if we are to sustain that growth, then we must incorporate the youth into the tourism industry, teach them about the industry. So when they are planning on their studies, they can look at something in the industry that will prepare them come and work in this industry.”
Tifara Brown, Participant
“I think this tourism course was very beneficial to me because it expanded my knowledge in tourism. I know have a basic idea of what the business is all about and I may consider having a career in tourism if all goes well.”
Katie Usher, Participant
“I learnt that it’s very important that when we have tourists, to make sure that they have the best experience that they can. Because when they have a bad experience it could reach up to ninety-six people…they could learn about it and say, don’t come back to Belize. But when you give them a very good experience, you have word of mouth advertisement, which is very good, and it encourages a lot of other people to come to Belize.”
During today’s presentation the students received a certificate of participation. The summer course ends with a field trip on Friday to Jaguar Paw Resort for day of cave tubing.