Achieving Competitive Advantage through Brand Positioning
A brand management training entitled “Achieving Competitive Advantage through Brand Positioning” was held today at the Biltmore Plaza. It was organized by Chamberlain Consulting and Galen University and seeks to help with developing companies. In collaboration with BELTRAIDE and the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, branding is what consumers believe, feel or think when they hear your company’s name. It defines the quality of your business and determines loyalty to your products and services. News Five spoke with the entities involved.
Dr. Sylvia Cattouse, Dean, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship, Galen University
“We had the opportunity this summer to have Professor Bialas, who is a brand strategy expert come to Belize. Actually he is here on vacation but used the opportunity to offer to come and speak with students. After speaking with him, we realized that particularly at this time, with many companies looking at ways of becoming more competitive, you’ve probably hear people say oh we need to brand, we need to get more market share, etc. We thought it would be opportune then for us to also offer a workshop to broader business community.”
Theresita Perez-Martinez, Chief Implementation Consultant, Chamberlain Consulting
“How do we focus on competitive advantage? How do we brand what we have to offer? And branding isn’t just for companies; branding is individuals, branding in our local artists. How do we help them, how do we provide tools and tactics to further develop themselves and basically sell themselves to our country? We are looking at places, like today, we have people from not just business industries, but individuals who want to develop themselves, maybe young entrepreneurs; that’s another reason why it is important to have BELTRAIDE for example on board with us; the Chamber of Commerce, who focuses not just on large companies but on smaller companies as well. So how do we position ourselves, how do we focus on branding, which is how do we sell ourselves? It is not necessarily a company logo or a company name, but when they hear about you what image do we give off?”
Travis Lennan, Director of Student Services, Galen University
“This is what we would consider the Galen difference. Doing such a seminar, giving back to the Belizean public and other businesses and not just focusing solely on us, as Galen. It’s very important for businesses to know how to create their niche, how important market share is versus the percentage of your revenues, etc. So for our students to be able to say they are a part of this and this is a part of them giving back is very important for us.”