Dean Russel Lindo is Laid to Rest
An official memorial service was held at Saint John’s Cathedral this afternoon for the late Dean Russel Lindo. Family, U.D.P. supporters, the Bar Association, as well as friends from all walks of life gathered to say goodbye to the first leader of the United Democratic Party. The sermon inside the packed cathedral was delivered by Bishop Phillip Wright. The official eulogy was given by his brother High Michael Lindo and Lydia Thurton while it fell on his long time friend and political ally, Michael Finnegan, to give the official remembrance. His remains were carried outside the Cathedral walls by the Belize Defense Force that also performed the gun salute. The flag was handed over to his brother by the Governor General. Lindo passed away at his home in Belize City on September seventeenth. In life, he served in the National Assembly and was named ambassador to the U.S. After exiting active political life, he practiced law.