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Mar 8, 2002

Scouts return to Holy Redeemer

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This afternoon twenty students from Holy Redeemer Primary were invested into that school’s scouting group. The ceremony was significant because after six years without a scout banner, the school has revived its participation. Holy Redeemer has the distinction of establishing the first scout group in Belize in 1910, with the movement eventually spreading nationwide. Today, through the Primary Education Scout Programme, the school has redeemed its proud tradition.

Ricardo N. Alcoser, Field Executive, Scout Assoc. of Belize

“Now we have teachers involved as leaders to help these kids both in the classroom and outside doing outdoor activities. What they learn is school is compensated through the outdoor activities that they have. Maybe they know the different cardinal points, north, south, east and west, but now they know the use of compass, they know their way using compass. They know the different points, they know bearings and the different degrees so they don’t get lost. They are taught all about this, they get to know about map reading, and all of this they learn in theory in social studies.

The scouting movement is coming very strong, especially with the Primary Education Scout Programme, we have been doing it for the third year now, since 1999. First year we had twenty groups forming part of this programme. In the second year we had twenty-four scout groups being formed, and now this year we targeted twenty-four schools again. So if we expect twenty-four, about right now we have about one thousand, two hundred to one thousand five hundred scouts all over the country.”

If you have a child attending Holy Redeemer and would like him or her to become a part of the scout group, please contact the school or get in touch with the Scout Association of Belize.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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