Pre-schools showcase children’s art
They are some of the earliest souvenirs of family life: those first colourful scrawls that for many parents are no less important than a Picasso or Rembrandt. Today Ann-Marie found a roomful of this special artwork.
Ann-Marie Williams, Reporting
These brightly coloured pieces of paper are often reduced to trash around the house, but for the pre-schoolers who put crayons, pens, pencils and beans to paper, they often become treasured keepsakes. Keepsakes, that have taken a month to collect.
Elizabeth Requena teaches at the Pickstock Community Pre-school in Belize City.
Elizabeth Requena, Pickstock Community Pre-school
“We have paintings, playdough, we have finger printing, crayon colours. From February of this year, we’ve been preparing for Child Stimulation Month, everyday at the pre-school, we have different art activities that we take part in.”
And although Child Stimulation Month runs until the end of March, this display is for just one day. Requena feels that although the artists are in some cases only two and a half years old, their work has great potential.
Elizabeth Requena
“People always put down children because they don’t think that the children from the different pre-schools can do the arts that the other students do in higher schools. So this is very important to show adults and parents that little children, from babies, can do the same artwork that the higher children in standards can do.”
Ann-Marie Williams for News 5.
Twenty-four pre-schools participated in today’s exhibition, which was held at the Commercial Centre in Belize City.