Commonwealth reaffirms support for Belize
The Commonwealth Heads of Government have affirmed their support for Belize’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. According to a release from the government press office, the leaders meeting in Coolum, Australia have endorsed the current O.A.S. facilitation process and called upon member states to contribute generously to any fund which may be created as part of an eventual settlement of the Guatemalan claim. In other decisions of interest, the Commonwealth heads adopted a new agenda for small states, which hopes to help nations like Belize meet the challenges of globalisation. In addition to representing the nation’s interests, Prime Minister Said Musa, as Chairman of CARICOM, presented that organisation’s views on a number of issues including the controversy over Zimbabwe. Musa also chaired a meeting between CARICOM leaders and British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Prime Minister Musa was accompanied by Alexis Rosado, Belize’s High Commission designate to the U.K. and Nadine Vernon, our Honourary Consul in Australia.