Pooling Our Resources Together – Philloughby’s Latest Port Loyola Brainchild
PORT, an acronym for Pooling Our Resources Together, is the latest initiative to be undertaken by U.D.P. standard bearer Phillip Willoughby who aspires to represent the people of Port Loyola in central government. Since offering himself as the constituency’s next standard bearer, succeeding outgoing Area Representative Anthony ‘Boots’ Martinez, he has been busy in the neighborhood. Willoughby told News Five that an invitation has been extended to residents for a public meeting to be held this Sunday at the Jane Usher basketball court.
Phillip Willoughby, U.D.P. Port Loyola Standard Bearer
“Prior to the convention, whilst on the ground campaigning, Isani, I promised the residents of Port Loyola that once I would have been successful at the convention we would have had consultations across the constituency because that is how we divided or dissected the entire constituency into eleven areas. Eleven area leaders and this is one area, one large area that has five area leaders and the boundaries are Ariel Hall, JR Street, Jane Usher Boulevard and Louise Bevans. So this entire area will culminate here on the basketball court for us to discuss all issues or concerns or criticisms affecting them and their community Sunday at two p.m. So that‘s the first invite I would like to send out to all the residents behind the Jane Usher Boulevard area.”
Isani Cayetano
“What is the hope or the objective of bringing together these area leaders to voice these concerns?”
Phillip Willoughby
“Well, the end game is that impact on them that we really need to have and by the positive impact I hope that we could improve the quality of life of the residents within this area, correct. There may be lighting issues. Yes, I can come out here and walk and I can say to B.E.L. and the Ministry of Finance, yes we have lighting issues, but that is not involving the community because maybe the lighting issue is just part of a problem and there may be a larger problem that houses do need electricity. Houses need water, these homes, lots may need filling. They may need housing assistance, so it will just be a process for us to do the information gathering via the consultation process and we work together. If it is that we need a multi-sectoral approach to resolving or finding solutions to these issues then we explore that avenue. It can be done unilaterally, then we do that right away. Like I said, nothing beats community involvement and once the people and the residents get involved it is their vision and I am just being the facilitator as the standard bearer to escorting the process and assisting them in making it happen.”