G.O.B. Barrows $14 Million More for Highway Works
The Government of Belize today received approval from the House of Representatives to borrow fourteen million dollars from the Inter-American Development Bank. This is in addition to tens of millions of dollars that in loans from the I.D.B. in 2015 for rehabilitation works being done from Roaring Creek Village to Santa Elena Town. The extra fourteen million dollar loan will be disbursed over a period of four years and is expected to be paid in thirty-nine semi-annual and consecutive, equal installments. In the House today, Deputy Leader for the P.U.P., Cordel Hyde, questioned the government’s decision to borrow more monies.
Cordel Hyde, Deputy Leader of the Opposition
“I am wondering how did we get our early calculations so wrong where this project is concerned. You are talking about thirty percent off base. You had an original loan agreement for fifty four million dollars Belize to pave this stretch of highway from roaring Creek to Santa Elena and then you come back to his honorable house and say you need fourteen million dollars more. Who is advising the government? What is happening here? It does not look right to me because we have seen this before too.”
Rene Montero, Minister of Works
“I think the member of Lake I should get his facts together because a lot of land have to be acquired, Madam Speaker, and these lands are very costly. That is the reason why we have that price for that road and also we are taking into consideration a lot of safety features. We are widening the road and all of these things. I did not know you were an engineer. But this is the facts Madam Speaker, we have to acquire a lot of land so we can widen those streets and make it safe for the people in that area.”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“The Minister of Works has answered. You know how it is Madam Speaker. You believe that in acquiring properties that you need in order to widen the roadway that you can negotiate reasonable prices from the land owners. Of course it never, ever turns out that way. People have you over a barrel. They know that you must acquire their lands and they insist on getting prices for that acquisition that any reasonable person would consider extortionate but so it is.”