4 educators to be given Teacher of the Year titles
For their history of long time service to the country’s children, this year Belize’s teachers are to be honoured. The Teacher of the Year Award is slated to take place later this month at the Belize City Centre. Four outstanding teachers, representing pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary level institutions respectively, are to receive awards. The selection process was not easy, but each district has nominated four teachers for the prestigious title. Now, a special committee has the task of selecting the best teacher from among the finalists. General Secretary of the Belize National Teachers’ Union, George Frazier explains on what basis the teachers were chosen.
George Frazier, Gen. Secretary, B.N.T.U.
“Primarily, it was the professional performance of the teachers, but it also had to do with the wider involvement in the community. We know a lot of teachers are involved probably in extracurricular activities such as Scouts, Guides, Red Cross, union activity, church activity and other things. So that also contributed greatly to the selection process. To date, I don’t think any of us up here can tell you who the four finalists or the four winners at each level are. But I know the selection process of observing and interviewing these people and others took place over a week ago. But definitely on the night, the fifteen of March, you will then know who the winners are.”
The Teachers of the Year Award ceremony will take place on March fifteenth, at 7:00 p.m.