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Feb 1, 2002

ESTAP bids to put Toledo on the development map

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Big government development projects are no stranger to the Toledo District. What has been scarce, however, are successful development projects. Jacqueline Woods reports on the last effort to turn things around in the south.

Jacqueline Woods, Reporting

Toledo has always been referred to as the forgotten district…and with the capital, Punta Gorda, lying two hundred and forty dusty, muddy and pot-holed miles away from Belize city it was easy to see why. But with the Southern Highway nearing completion, the pace of activity in Toledo is quickening. One initiative to promote the area’s growth is the Toledo Development Corporation. T.D.C. was a plan of action formulated by the Environmental and Social Technical Assistance Project, ESTAP. ESTAP’s Acting Project Manager is Imani Morrison.

Imani Morrison, Ag. Project Manager, ESTAP

“We feel like we’re godparents to the T.D.C., we’ve pushed this process along over the years of consultations, the dialogue in the regional plan prepared by previous staff members onboard ESTAP. It was indicated that a fundamental problem with the district, was simply the lack of co-ordination.”

On Wednesday, ceremonies launching the T.D.C. took place at the Parish Hall in Punta Gorda Town. Prime Minister Said Musa told the gathering that the T.D.C. promises to improve the economic situation and enhance the quality of life for the people of Toledo. According to Morrison, T.D.C. will focus on key areas.

Imani Morrison

“Well it’s for the overall development of the district, both urban and rural. And initially, my understanding is that they have key areas of focus, those being agricultural, development, but they want to go into agro-processing, adding value onto what it is that they’re already doing. They also want to reduce vulnerability; we all know the devastation that recently hit the district, which is clearly an area of focus.

One of the most important an urgent areas of focus, is the fire prevention. We know we’re heading into a dry season and we know that this area is prone to forest fires, which will no doubt increase with the impact of the hurricane. That is a priority area for the T.D.C.”

Chairman of the T.D.C. is Toledo West Representative and Minister of Rural Development, Marcial Mes.

Marcial Mes, Chairman, T.D.C.

“The establishment of this corporation is an indication that the government is serious about putting Toledo on par with the other districts. Already, we can point to definite measures being taken in this regard, like roads penetrating the jungle to communities that could only be reached either by foot or on horseback, schools and community centres being constructed, and water systems being built in several communities of Toledo.”

Morrison says even though T.D.C. is supported by government and the corporation’s chairman is a minister of government, she does not believe politics will affect it’s operation.

Imani Morrison

“It’s not a government project per se. Actually its perhaps the first bottom up approach at targeting development activities in the district or maybe even in the entire country. The board is comprised of primarily community representatives. Yes it had to be legislated and yes it is something that the government strongly supported, but I think the people in the district for the longest have been waiting and longing for something of this nature.”

It is expected that once ESTAP’s operation comes to an end in March, most of its resources including staff will be transferred to T.D.C. Jacqueline Woods reporting for News 5.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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