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Jan 11, 2002

Prison Dept. denies rumours of mass escape, rape

On Thursday members of the local press dropped a bombshell on news listeners that as many as fifteen prisoners had escaped from the confines of the Hattieville prison and weapons, money and a cell phone had been found on another prisoner. Tonight the superintendent says it’s simply not true. According to Major Errol Gentle, neither incident is factual and there has not been a prison break since May of 2001. In addition, the prison says allegations made by Dickie Bradley in this week’s Belize Times that a fourteen-year-old had been raped while incarcerated are also unfounded. But in an interview earlier today, Bradley tells us he stands by his story.

Jacqueline Woods

“Mr. Gentle at prison, in responding to an article that I think you wrote in the Belize Times, he’s saying that no such rape occurred. Are you in a position to respond to his comments?”

Dickie Bradley, Min. of Housing and Urban Renewal

“Actually, the information that was brought to my attention, is that in fact it had occurred. I wouldn’t want to get involved in a back and forth with Mr. Gentle, but in fact it has occurred.”

Jacqueline Woods

“So you’re sticking to the guns that it has occurred, based on information you received?”

Dickie Bradley

“I check it miself.”

The last prisoners to make a break from Hattieville were Terry Reyes, Estevan Sho, Kenrick McPherson and Evrard Leslie. While the other three were later recaptured, Estevan Sho remains at large.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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