People’s Republic of China donates to Iris victims
Handing-over ceremonies take place almost every day in Belize but this morning, one such ceremony was both historic and humanitarian. Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Jamaica, Guo Chongli, presented a cheque for twenty thousand U.S. dollars to the Belize Red Cross for construction materials for victims of Hurricane Iris. The move is unprecedented since Belize is no longer diplomatically linked with Mainland China. But the ambassador says in times like these, it is important to maintain people to people relations.
Guo Chongli, Chinese Ambassador to Jamaica
“For some reasons, China and Belize has not had diplomatic relations for the time being, but I believe this should not be an obstacle for the people to people contacts. I believe the people to people contacts form the foundation of the relations of the two countries. So I hope that with this donation and with the people to people exchanges increase, the two countries relations will develop in the future.”
Dr. Theodore Aranda, World Garifuna Organisation
“We have spoken to the Chinese, they have responded, the Red Cross have accepted the assistance. They are the ones delivering it to the people of Seine Bight and they are the ones looking after the distribution of it themselves.”
Audrey Courtenay, Chairman, Disaster Mgmt. Committee
“The money has been used to buy construction materials…three hundred and fifty sheets of roofing materials, nails, paint and that…but that is just part of the building materials that is required. We are still searching for ways to require some lumber and some other things to help these people get their houses in some sort of living condition.”
Janelle Chanona
“Why pick Seine Bight?”
Audrey Courtenay
“Because the villages in the Stann Creek District, we felt that Seine Bight, the people there were least able to help themselves. Placencia and Independence were very badly damaged, but those are bigger villages and we thought that Red Cross couldn’t work in all three. So we pick those we thought that fit the picture of being most vulnerable.”
One hundred and fifty-four families living in Seine Bight were affected by Hurricane Iris. The construction materials bought with the money also include plywood for walls and floors and ridge capping for roofs. The materials were transported to Seine Bight earlier today free of charge from Benny’s Wholesale Depot.