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Home » Trials » Man Charged for Allegedly Attacking His Sister with Knife
Mar 5, 2019

Man Charged for Allegedly Attacking His Sister with Knife

George Matthews, who has had troubles with the law, was back in court today on a charge of aggravated assault with a knife upon his sister, Michelle Matthew. The George Street resident appeared before Senior Magistrate Aretha Ford for arraignment. He indicated to the court that he wanted to speak before taking a plea. He claimed he was trying to discipline his ten-year-old child, who lives with his sister and that is why he got into an argument with Michelle. While he says he did not pull a knife at her, he admitted that he had a pocket knife which he always carries on him.  With that explanation, Senior Magistrate Ford entered an equivocal plea of not guilty and offered him bail in the sum of one thousand dollars, which he was able to meet. Matthews is due back in court in May.

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