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Mar 14, 2019

Accused Murderer Gets Bail

Twenty-nine-year-old Kashawn Gentle also known as Cassian Gentle-Bennett    is presently on Supreme Court bail for murder. But the murder suspect managed to slip through the cracks and was granted another bail for the criminal offense of possession of a controlled drug. Police searched his Caesar Ridge home two days ago and found him in possession of nineteen grams of cannabis, nine grams more in excess as allowed by law. Now, a judge of the Supreme Court is to determine if he violated the condition of his murder bail. This morning, Gentle appeared before Magistrate Michelle Trapp for possession of a controlled drug and pleaded not guilty and is due back in court next month. The information of the murder charges was apparently not known to the court or the prosecution allowing him to beat the system. Gentle, along with Kenneth Crawford and Jermaine “Horse” Garnett are on Supreme Court bail for the 2012 murder of Raheem Requeña in Belize City.

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