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Home » Crime » Minor Charged with Wounding after He Lassoed another Student
Mar 14, 2019

Minor Charged with Wounding after He Lassoed another Student

Joseph Myvett

Police say a fourteen-year-old boy was charged with wounding after he lassoed another student and dragged him along a walkway and onto a field.  The victim received extensive abrasions to the lower body. The incident happened on Tuesday afternoon between the two young boys who are from high schools in Belmopan. Police say that they are trying to establish whether the boys have a history of dispute between each other. ACP Joseph Myvett explains what happened.


ACP Joseph Myvett, Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch

“Warren Singh, a fifteen-year-old student of Belmopan Comprehensive High School, reported to police that on Tuesday, sometime around 2:40 p.m., as he exited the school gate he observed a male person riding a horse who at the time had a rope. The person then threw the rope around him which ended up somewhere in the vicinity of his feet. As a result, the rope was tightened and he was pulled some distance away on a nearby field. Police have since detained a fourteen-year-old minor who has also been arrested and charged for the crime of wounding. Singh also suffered abrasions to different parts of the body.”

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