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Mar 14, 2019

Robbers Hit Chino’s Bar

On Wednesday afternoon, a brazen robbery at a bar in Belmopan left one man hospitalized. Police say that two robbers posed as patrons of the establishment and then pulled out a weapon and shot the owner of Chino’s Bar.  Elder Paredes remains in a stable condition at the Western Regional Hospital. The thieves stole the businessman’s licensed firearm and then tried to rob a delivery truck that was parked in front of the business. ACP Joseph Myvett shares details of what happened.


Joseph Myvett

ACP Joseph Myvett, Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch

“Our investigation so far has shown that two Creole descent male persons wearing black shirts were socializing at the establishment. Shortly before midday, both persons approached Paredez where one of them pulled out a firearm and fired a shot towards his direction which caught him in the stomach. He was robbed of his licensed 9mm pistol. At the time also, a delivery truck was at the establishment and they proceeded to open a deposit box that was attached to the delivery truck.”



“Were they successful?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“They were not and they then got on the motorcycle and left the area.”



“Sir, are there any surveillance footages that at that establishment that could have picked up the identity of those two suspects?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“The issue with that is that the suspects then took the DVR from the establishment before leaving but there are other surveillance cameras in the area which police are looking at to try and determine their identity.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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