2 More Witnesses Testify in Mason Murder Trial
The trial of William ‘Danny’ Mason and four other men who have been indicted along with him for the murder Pastor Llewellyn Lucas, continued today before Justice Antoinette Moore. Taking the stand this morning was vehicle mechanic Eliasar Pineda. The automotive technician testified to receiving a call from an officer on the scene where Mason’s Ford F150 pickup had been parked. According to Pineda, one Corporal Vasquez was requesting assistance in opening a vehicle in the parking lot of Sancho’s Bar. Pineda told the court that when he arrived at the location, he observed three police mobiles. He was shown the Mason’s vehicle and was instructed to wait. From his vehicle, he had a clear view of the pickup truck which was being guarded by several officers. According to Pineda, he observed Corporal Vasquez standing next to an individual of East Indian descent and that both men were engaged in a conversation. Shortly thereafter, he was approached by the police officer. When Pineda told Vasquez that he was unable to gain entry into the vehicle, he was informed that his services were no longer required. He subsequently gathered his tools and went back to his vehicle. He did not see what was in the pan of Mason’s pickup truck. Next to approach the dock was Police Constable Avery Flores who is assigned to the Mobile Interdiction Team. Under oath, he told the court that on the morning of July sixteenth, 2016, he received a call from a fellow officer asking for assistance in finding a set of keys. While combing the area outside of Sancho’s Bar, a set of keys were recovered. On the key fob was a second key with a black plastic which had the word “Ford” on it. The buttons on the key fob were used to open the doors of the Ford F150 pickup.