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Nov 7, 2001

New classroom dedicated at St. Michael’s

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classrooms are a fact of life for most Belize City students but today,
a few of them got some much-needed relief. This afternoon, St. Michael’s
college officially opened a new school building. The four-classroom structure
is built to accommodate one hundred and twenty more students. During the
ceremonies, a former education minister took to the podium to offer his
words of wisdom.

Prime Minister Said Musa
“Only you the young people who want to make a better life for your
families, who want to give your mother enough money in her retirement
for all the sacrifices that she’s been making for you; and you father
too. If you want to take care of them when they get older and take care
you and your spouse and your children, then you must understand that we
have to prepare from now. And education, yes, it’s important that we continue
to emphasise as the minister said a while ago, continue to emphasise the
core subjects. We have to be able to speak, to write, to understand and
to communicate properly in English.”

During the ceremonies, Ambassador of Taiwan Charles Tsai donated several
pieces of musical and sporting equipment.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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