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Mar 15, 2019

New Security Protocols Implemented at Assembly Building

Laura Longsworth

An alleged bomb threat on Independence Hill recently has prompted strict security measures to be implemented for persons entering the National Assembly Building.  The new protocols extend to members of the media who attended today’s house meeting.  News Five understands that an employee at the Government Press Office discovered what appeared to be an unknown electronic device affixed to a vehicle.  It raised serious suspicion and police were called in to inspect the object.  Their response, however, was not satisfactory and members of staff at the building were forced to evacuate the premises.  As a result, House Speaker Laura Longsworth has moved to put in place rigid security measures in the event of an emergency.


Laura Longsworth, House Speaker

“First of all, I want to say that with support from the National Assembly Staff Committee, we’re moving ahead with formalizing a policy for the National Assembly.  It has been a source of concern that we are not prepared to act decisively in the event of an emergency.  Recently, while in the building, I was confronted by a stark reality of an emergency situation where we were asked to leave the building by police officers while they investigated a suspicious car parked in the vicinity of the building.  Our response was weak and disjointed and so committee members from both sides of the house will meet shortly to examine existing recommendations and to formalize a plan of action to include fire and management of emergency situations that can threaten the security of staff, parliamentarians and our visitors to the National Assembly.  We have begun to make some changes already.  Only parliamentarians and authorized persons would have access to the inner offices and members rooms.  Although the clerk has addressed this matter, it’s still a little problematic and so we have a security officer outside our staff who are mostly women to enforce that policy…  The media has also been asked to wear identification badges during house meetings.  I want to thank the media for their cooperation.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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