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Mar 22, 2019

Eleven Unsung Sheroes Honored by CitCo

As activities wind down in celebration of Women’s Month, the Belize City Council today singled out a group of outstanding women from all walks of life and ages for their contributions in diverse fields, from education to politics.  Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner and Councillor Candice Pitts were both on hand to recognize the labour of the outstanding women—not only in the work place, but also to strengthen the family. News Five’s Isani Cayetano reports.


Isani Cayetano, Reporting

The importance of women and their contribution to society often go by with little notice in a world that is still very much patriarchal.  Across respective communities in Belize City, mothers, teachers, law enforcement officers and even politicians are all part of a larger social fabric being woven by women.  So, finding eleven heroines, or unsung sheroes, as they prefer to be called, was a task undertaken by the Belize City Council this Women’s Month.  Today, those remarkably brave women are being recognized in grand fashion by Mayor Bernard Wagner and his team at City Hall.


Candice Pitts

Dr. Candice Pitts, City Councilor

“Many of these women have helped to lay the foundation and pave the road for many of us in society and we believe that they should be acknowledged.  The requirements for the selection of the Sheroes was very specific.  We asked the area representatives or the standard bearers to select women who have made contributions but who have not been acknowledged by our society as yet.  And so, the Belize City Council takes on this initiative to acknowledge these women and the contributions that they have been making to our society.”


These women have been invited to a luncheon at the Radisson where, along with being served, they are being formally recognized during an award ceremony.


Bernard Wagner

Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor

“This initiative is the brainchild of our councilor for women and children, Councilor Pitts and she felt, and the council as well, felt that many a times some of the women in our society and communities have not been acknowledged for the great works they have done over the years and this is just a continuation of acknowledging those women, particularly given the fact that this month is recognized as Women’s Month.”


By celebrating women’s achievement, raising awareness against bias and taking action for equality, we can help in forging a more gender-balanced world.


Dr. Candice Pitts

“Many of these women have been lifelong educators; many of them have been small business owners.  Many of them have been contributors to political parties; have been party stalwarts and really, housewives, wives, mothers.  They have helped to raise children that are contributing to our society and they themselves have continued to contribute to our society.”


The city council plans to make the Sheroes Awards and annual ceremony. Reporting for News Five, I am Isani Cayetano.


The group includes: Maria Adela Requeña, Marie Louise Lewis, Fabiana Scott Rowley, Gweneth Gillett, Ingrid Hepburn, Diana Neal, Zoila Bainton, Olga Gordon, Dorla Lord, Maria Elena Villanueva and Normajean Augusta Pitts,

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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