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Mar 22, 2019

The Belize Bus Association at Odds with Transport Department

The Belize Bus Association remains at odds with the Department of Transport tonight after two Guatemalan bus operators were given licenses to traffic passengers to and from Guatemala to Belize City. Fuente del Norte and Linea Dorado now join the ADO bus line to transport persons from Guatemala and Mexico, respectively.  The local bus association is up in arms because they are not allowed to travel across the border without insurance. Back in 2011, there was protest on the highway with interruption in traffic as buses locked roads, while tires burned in the horizon. On Thursday, police officers were stationed at the western border in Benque and at the bus terminal in Belize City. The officers said they were there to maintain the peace and to avoid any incident. The association says it is giving the department and the ministry one week to address the issue.  We’ll keep following this story.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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