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Apr 29, 2009

President Antonio Saca receives Order of Belize

It is known that there are thousands of Salvadoran nationals living in Belize. So when the President of El Salvador stopped down in Belize today, he received a warm welcome and a fitting conferral of the Order of Belize. At a luncheon today at the Old Belize, outgoing president, Elias Antonio Saca, also conferred Prime Minister Dean Barrow, with the Jose Matias Delgado Order. Saca is on a visit throughout the region before demitting presidential office. At the brief ceremony on the conferral of medals, both leaders referred to the success of both countries and looked at the future in the integration movement in Central America and the relations with CARICOM.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“He has been an outstanding president of El Salvador and unless you think that I am saying this only as a matter of protocol, let me tell you that he is leaving office with an approval rating that is higher that the approval rating that president Barack Obama currently enjoys.
President Saca has been an outstanding regional leader—one of the principal moving forces of the Central American Integration Movement.”

Antonio Saca, Outgoing President, El Salvador
“Belize is where thousands of Salvadorans live. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to his Excellency for regulating the situation of our fellow citizens. I humbly receive the honor that has been bestowed on me as a symbol of the close relationship between our two countries and governments. El Salvador and Belize maintain solid commercial and friendly relations that results in economic growth and an open regional integration. We are at the doorstep of finalizing an educational agreement that I hope will be beneficial to the young people of both countries.”

Heads of government of CARICOM and Central America are soon to meet in Managua, Nicaragua for an environmental summit.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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