Man dies at brother’s hands
Tonight, a man is in jail for allegedly stabbing his brother to death. The brothers, who resided at the same apartment building on Cadle Alley had a history of fighting with each other, but on Wednesday night they fought for the last time. Ann-Marie Williams has the story.
Ann-Marie Williams, Reporting
One of the many apartments in this Cadle Alley house was the scene of a stabbing death just after midnight last night. But this was not your everyday murder, it was brother against brother.
Police say Calbert Smith forty-seven, deported from the United States just over a year ago, had a fight with his younger brother, forty-five year old Kenrick Smith, who occupied a room in the same building. It was during that incident that Calbert stabbed his younger brother with a knife to the left side of his chest.
“Neighbours say when they heard the noise they were unaware that a murder was actually being committed right next door, since the two brothers usually fight and quarrel when they’re under the influence. According to an eyewitness, who didn’t want to appear on camera, she saw Calbert running through this alley, double the corner, lifted his hands, which had blood all over it and said “I just done kill mi bredda. Dig a hole an bury a.”
“So I come out in my night-gown and I not even two minutes after, I saw Calbert at the back door. I asked him what was it and he had his two hands up with blood dripping from them on his clothes. He said “I kill ih **** I kill ih ****. Just dig a hole at the back and bury ah deh. I kill my bredda because I tired a ah, I tired a mind ah.” So I said, “You’re asking me to bury him, you already kill him, so eat him.”
So I came out, he came right behind me, and he is hollering for me. He was full of blood and was asking everybody to dig a hole and bury him. Nobody was paying him any mind, so we were trying to call the police. One of the neighbours called the police and they took long to reach, and when they finally reached he was already at the backdoor dead.”
Ann-Marie Williams
“When he was saying that he killed him brother did you believe he was already dead?”
“We believed because we saw the blood and it was the first time we saw them under blood like that.”
Ann-Marie Williams
“You didn’t go to see where he was?”
“No. Nobody went up there. Only those two was up there. When the police came, then one of his cousins went up with the police.”
Ann-Marie Williams
“They say they usually have these type of ructions when they drink.”
“Every time, every time. I’ve lived here for the past five or six months now and every time they do it, but it has never gotten worse like this one. Kenrick was always complaining that he was tired of his brother harassing him.”
Ann-Marie Williams
“What do they usually fight about?”
“Just maybe the alcohol, maybe simple things, food. Maybe you sit on a chair and he doesn’t like it or you serve somebody and holler after him, because they sell softdrinks. Simple things, because you never get the sense of it and the next day they laugh about it, they come and apologise.”
But this time it was a little too late for Kenrick, who suffered from seizures, to apologise. Police recovered the knife near the corpse, which was found face down in the corridor of Calbert’s apartment. Ann-Marie Williams for News 5.
Smith is expected to be charged for murder tomorrow.