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Oct 27, 2009

Zee Edgell receives honorary doctorate from UWI

Story PictureBelizean Author, Zee Edgell, has spent many books including In Times Like These, Festival of San Joaquin and the most renowned, Beka Lamb. Over the past weekend, Edgell travelled to Cave Hill University in Barbados where she was conferred with an honorary doctorate. News Five contacted her via phone from her home in the U.S. where Edgell spoke about the conferral.

Zee Edgell, Received Honorary Doctorate at UWI, Cave Hill
“Several months ago I was invited to receive a doctor of letters degree at the University of West Indies, Cave Hill Barbados. So that degree, that honorary doctor of letters was given to me for my writing and also for contribution to community and region. So we went along and on Friday evening there was a dinner in the honor of the other three graduants. After I received my degree on Sunday I gave a talk and it was—I gave a talk to the students, a five minute talk. What we really need in the Caribbean at the moment is a better quality of life, security and education and better health delivery service and an education that will teach us how to cope with the destitute of life and also which is the foundation of all of these is good governance.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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