Blackleg and Rabies Vaccine Advisory
The Belize Agricultural Health Authority and Ministry of Agriculture is advising that if you haven’t vaccinated your livestock against blackleg in the last six months you must do so quickly. Rabies, which is a highly fatal disease that affects all mammals, can also be prevented through the vaccine. Affected animals will usually show nervous signs, aggressive behavior and excessive salivation. Farmers are advised that the disease can also transmit to humans and so you must avoid contact with animals showing theses symptoms and notify BAHA immediately. The first sign observed is usually lameness; loss of appetite, rapid breathing and the animal is usually depressed and has a high fever. The animal usually dies within twelve to forty-eight hours. BAHA encourages farmers to use the seven-way Blackleg vaccine available at most farm supply stores. As with all vaccines, it is of utmost importance that the cold chain be maintained, otherwise vaccination will be ineffective.