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May 20, 2019

C.E.O. Caucus Ride Raises 70K for Cancer!

The C.E.O. Caucus Ride 2019 surpassed its goal of fifty thousand dollars to combat cancer. For a fourth consecutive year, one hundred and seventy riders, including C.E.O.s and other partners, got on their bikes to raise awareness and funds to donate to cancer centers in Belize. This year, the initiative raised seventy-three thousand dollars under the theme “Stronger Together.”  Following Saturday’s ride, Doctor Ellsworth Grant of the Belize Cancer Center in Dangriga spoke about how this donation helps to make cancer health care more accessible to Belizeans.


Ellsworth Grant

Dr. Ellsworth Grant, Belize Cancer Center, Dangriga

“Your participation and generous donations have allowed us to fulfill our mission at Cancer Center. Eleven years ago when we started, that mission was to bring access to cancer care to all Belizeans and events such as this one help us to fulfill that mission. To give you a brief example of what your efforts has allowed us to do, ten years ago when a child was diagnosed with leukemia in Belize they had a thirty-eight percent chance of surviving; being cured. Since our existence, that rate has risen to seventy-eight percent; meaning that seventy-eight percent of those children will now live on from leukemia. We have a young lady who was five years old when we just started and now she is in second form. That is the kind of results and success that your efforts bring to the people of Belize.”


A government issued release notes that since the ride started in 2016, three hundred and twenty six thousand dollars has been raised for the Dangriga Cancer Treatment Center and the Belize Cancer Society.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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