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Jun 10, 2019

Kyle Zetina and Shawn Flores are Arrested for Triple Murder

Shawn Flores & Kyle Zetina

Twenty-four-year-old Kyle Zetina and eighteen-year-old Shawn Flores are tonight on remand at the Belize Central Prison after being arraigned earlier today on the principal charges of murder.  Both men are accused of carrying out an unthinkable act of violence which left three persons dead, including Alarice Andrewin, the Acting Principal of Excelsior High School.  The incident took place on June fourth, at Andrewin’s family home near mile ten on the George Price Highway.  All three victims, including Vidal Yuman and Maria Juarez, were bound and shot in the head.  At two o’clock this afternoon, the suspects appeared before Chief Magistrate Sharon Fraser where they were each read three counts of murder.  Earlier today, we spoke with Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, as well as lead investigator Hilberto Romero, who told us how they came about cracking the case.  News Five’s Isani Cayetano has that story.


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“I am proud to say to the nation of Belize that we have arrested and charged two persons in connection with that triple murder at mile ten.”


Isani Cayetano, Reporting

Diligent police work by a special team of investigators assigned to probe the murders of Alarice Andrewin, Vidal Yuman and Maria Juarez has proven fruitful.  Over the weekend, two persons, believed to be the culprits behind the triple homicide at Andrewin’s family residence last Tuesday, were arrested and charged in connection with the ghastly incident.


Hilberto Romero

Supt. Hilberto Romero, Acting Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch

“We conducted a vigorous investigation which led to the arrest of Kyle Zetina and Shawn Flores who have now been charged for the triple murder.  Our investigation revealed that this all commenced as a result of a burglary.  They broke into the house with the intention to steal and thereafter something occurred within that house at which point the three occupants of the house were shot to death.”


The successful outcome of this phase of the investigation, says Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, is due to the tireless efforts of the taskforce.  No stones were left unturned.


Chester Williams

Chester Williams

“This is a classic example of the polices ability to perform our duties and yes we know that we are just at the arresting stage, but moving forward with this investigation I have tasked Mr. Romero and I have also spoken with the D.P.P. and what I want Mr. Romero to do is to work very closely with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions with this matter and the D.P.P. will be guiding us moving forward to ensure that we put together the best possible case to be able to secure a conviction come trial time.”


From the onset, investigators looked at several clues that could provide a sliver, enough for them to eventually crack the case.


Isani Cayetano

“How were you guys able to get a lead, enough to be able to pursue these two individuals?”


Supt. Hilberto Romero

“I cannot reveal how we got a lead.  Like I said before, it was through investigation, putting all the information together and thereafter we moved towards locating the suspects and that resulted in their detention which also resulted in the recovery of the firearm we believe was used in the murders.”


Despite having recovered a weapon believed to have been used to kill the trio, police are still in search of Andrewin’s vehicle.  The 2015 Nissan Rogue was stolen and may have been used as the getaway vehicle by the accused men.


Supt. Hilberto Romero

“The investigation is ongoing, we still have not recovered the stolen vehicle and again I would like to appeal to the general public for information regarding the stolen vehicle.  It has not been recovered.  It was last sighted in the Cayo District and thereafter we have not been able to locate the vehicle.  We have several other matters we need to follow up on and it is an open investigation and those will be followed up as we go along.”


Aside from retrieving a possible weapon, police have also been able to recover a few items believed to have been stolen from Andrewin’s home during the burglary.


Chester Williams

“Other than the firearm which we believe was used in the commission of the crime, we have also recovered the license plate of the vehicle, as well as some items that we believe were stolen from Ms. Andrewin’s home during the burglary.  So those have also been recovered and indeed we will not divulge too much but I can tell you that the persons who committed this crime, they blundered and we were able to capitalize on that.  That’s as far as we’ll go where that is concerned.”


The handgun will be turned over to the National Forensic Science Services for ballistic testing to determine whether the expended shells found at the scene of the deadly shooting were fired from that weapon. Reporting for News Five, I am Isani Cayetano.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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