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Apr 24, 2009

Natural Resources to meet SATIIM over TEMASH Natl Park

Story PictureLast Friday, the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management, SATIIM, protested G.O.B.’s decision to grant U.S. Capital Energy permission to conduct seismic testing in the Sarstoon Temash National Park without consulting them. SATIIM has since received a letter from the Ministry informing them that the co-managing role they played over the park expired in 2008 and they were relieved of all responsibilities relating to the park. SATIIM said they felt betrayed by Prime Minister Dean Barrow at the secret manner in which the permit was granted to which the P.M. responded that he was parting company with SATIIM’s Gregory Ch’oc. But today C.E.O. in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Beverly Castillo, told News Five that SATIIM had been kept abreast of the situation all along and added that the N.G.O. is still welcome to apply as bids are now open to co-manage the park.

Beverly Castillo, C.E.O., Ministry of Natural Resources
“We indicated to SATIIM as matter of formality that the co-management agreement had expired and in that very letter, we invite them to bid for the co-management of that park. We indicated that we invite them and we welcome any bid from them. I’m pretty certain that the letter ended saying we await your proposal.”

Marion Ali
“Have anybody replied, have anybody aside from them?”

Beverly Castillo
“Not that I’m aware of, we have no such proposal submitted from any organization.”

Marion Ali
“Has SATIIM applied for this to co-manage?”

Beverly Castillo
“No, we have not received any application from SATIIM.”

Marion Ali
“So it’s still open?”

Beverly Castillo
“It is open. There is no dead line. We had a discussion—it’s a year long discussion, really with SATIIIM that has been going on since the expiration. There was an adhoc arrangement with SATIIM. And as I said all those issues that we needed to iron, will be ironed out and SATIIM will be considered. There’s no reason to indicate that SATIIM will not be considered for co-management.”

Marion Ali
“And that’s your belief that that would be because they have major issues with this group getting any kind of addition to drill.”

Beverly Castillo
“I’m not certain because I had a call from Greg Ch’oc asking me what will be SATIIM’s role in monitoring the operations of U.S Capital. So I’m not certain that they’re not going to participate but we can have the discussion and then we can decide.”

Marion Ali
“Why were they formally given a letter to say well you are no longer are responsible for the co-management of the park, were they not doing a good job, that’s what I’m asking?”

Beverly Castillo
“I believe that hey were doing a good job. You heard the prime minister, they are doing a good job. There are other factors to add on; things that needed to preserve to stream line, many things. There was an indication of a co-management frame work that have not really been finalize. We need to look at that in light of all co-management agreements, how they fit in. So, we needed to come to the table that was expired. We unfortunately, had a deadlock. We never were able to get beyond the discussions back and forth with SATIIM. Now, that it has come to this position, we are ready to sit down, Marion and have this discussion with SATIIM.”

Marion Ali
“So you’re saying that they always knew about this drilling this exercise that was being plan because they are saying it was all a secret and they never knew.”

Beverly Castillo
“As far as I am aware, the Forest Department shared all the information with SATIIM. Some information was faxed; some were hand delivered to SATIIM. That is from the indication from the documents provided by the Forest Department indicated that SATIIM was advised and we did one response from SATIIM.”


Beverly Castillo
“Well that they’re not in agreement and that they will initiate court action if we were to proceed with the U.S. capital. It was a warning to us that they will proceed.”

Castillo says Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega, along with personnel from the Petroleum Department, U.S. Capital Energy and the Forest Department will meet with SATIIM on April thirtieth to discuss what role it can have in the park’s management.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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