Fonseca says Govt. solidly behind tourism
The Belize Tourism Industry Association held its sixteenth annual general meeting in Dangriga on Saturday. In his keynote address, Budget Planning Minister Ralph Fonseca told B.T.I.A. members that his government is fulfilling a promise to make tourism a national priority–and the proof is in the numbers.
Ralph Fonseca, Min. of Budget Planning
“We are sure you will join us in feeling
proud to know that during the first six months of this year our national occupancy was at fifty point nine percent, an increase of eleven percent compared to the same period last year and an increase of ninety-two percent when compared to the national occupancy just five years ago.
The great demon of “seasonality” or slow-season that compromised the tourism industry’s ability to maintain year-round staffing and make vital capital improvements is almost dead. Not withstanding two major hurricanes that affected Belize, Mitch in October of 1998 and Keith in October of 2000, overnight tourist arrivals at the International Airport have set record levels in twenty-three of the thirty-five months between September 1998 and July 2001.
The Blackstone Report, a national tourism plan endorsed by the tourism public and private sectors and completed in 1998, had projected that two hundred thousand visitors would come to Belize by year’s end 2008, with a two point five percent growth in overnight tourist arrivals this year. This rate has already been exceeded during these first seven months. Belize will have received its two hundred thousandth overnight tourist by year’s end 2001. This is impressive by any measure!”
During the AGM, a new executive board was elected to serve the organisation’s three hundred and seventy-two members. They are president, Mike Panton, Brian Dean as first vice-president, Peter Tonti, second vice-president, Asma Allardice as secretary and Alan Auil treasurer. Maria Vega has been elected to serve as the Mundo Maya private sector representative on the board.