Novelo’s employee arrested for missing money
In crime news, an employee at the Novelo’s Bus Terminal in Benque Viejo has been arrested in connection with the eighty-nine thousand dollars discovered missing from the B.E.L. collection agency on Monday. Eighteen year old Elon Gongora has been charged with the crimes of theft and false accounting. Fifty-eight thousand dollars in cash and another thirty-one thousand in cheques were left in the cash box over the weekend, only to be unaccounted for on Monday morning.
Cash and cheques were also among the items discovered stolen from the Zoe Ministries Church in Belize City on Wednesday morning. The money, along with a computer and office furnishings, were taken overnight from the building at eighty-nine Vernon Street.
On that same night, thieves raided the San Ignacio office of the St. Martin’s Credit Union. Missing is over a thousand dollars in cash. No arrests have yet been made in either case.