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Oct 27, 2009

Belize strategically positioned to benefit from Merida Initiative

Story PictureIn Belmopan, one of the more important topics of the media discussion with Ambassador Thummalapally is the Merida Initiative. It is a partnership of the United States with governments in Central America and the Caribbean to combat crime and the free flow of narco-traffickers in the region. Four hundred million U.S. dollars was set aside for Mexico, sixty five million U.S. dollars for Central America with one point five million dollars set aside for Belize. Though it’s a small amount for the Jewel, Thummalapally says that Belize’s role is heightened because of its strategic location in the region.

Vinai Thummalapally
“The role of the embassy is to orchestrate and coordinate in many areas, specifically in the area of policing, prison management, the Central American finger printing system that Merida is orchestrating—coordinating if you will. These are various areas of efforts that Belize is very much partner to and has shown very strong interest, understanding the risks of what we are trying to fight and very much on board. So the U.S. government, the post here in the embassy, is continuing to work in various aspects of Merida.”

Jose Sanchez
“When it comes to investment in our own military infrastructure such as the B.D.F. and the Coastguard, how important is the U.S. investment in regards to fighting the drug trade?”

Vinai Thummalapally
“It’s critical. It’s very much part of—it is encompassing in that we’re working with B.D.F., Customs and so on, Port Authority, all the various departments and divisions of the Belizean government and infrastructure. We will continue to engage all those departments as we go forward with the Merida Initiative. We believe the importance of Belize has already been heightened because of this what they call a balloon effect and there’s pressure on Mexico that some of the channels if you will, paths could be oozing out and Belize is right there bordering with Mexico and Guatemala. So I think it’s strategic importance is the location, not the size of the country. Three hundred thousand people, one might say oh it’s a small country. That has nothing to do with the risks. The risks are huge and they are being noted and the efforts will only increase not decrease.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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