“Public has nothing to fear,” says top city cop
“There is no need for the public to be afraid of the police.” That was the response made by Senior Superintendent of Police Crispin Jeffries when asked by News Five about recent accusations of the use of unnecessary force. Jeffries says the incidents in which the police have used their weapons are being thoroughly investigated by the police Internal Affairs Unit.
Sr. Superintendent Crispin Jeffries, O.C. Eastern Division
“There are some incidents that have occurred recently which in fact the police did discharge firearms. In respect to those incidents we are conducting an investigation, we’ve already taken certain steps to ensure that actions of this nature does not happen. However, when the situation arises when the police are fired upon they will respond and in both cases the allegations are that the police discharge firearms and in both cases the police are alleging that they were fired upon. Investigations are being conducted. There are officers we have been looking at with a view to see how we can, how quickly they can be removed from situations where they become expose and become targets.”
Jacqueline Woods
“Do you believe that as a result of what is taking place this partnership, this working partnership between the police and the community is being affected?”
Crispin Jeffries
“I don’t think so.”
Jacqueline Woods
“Why not?”
Crispin Jeffries
“I’m certain that the small percentage of complaints and the complaints we are hearing is coming from one quarter or one section of the community and that does not mean the entire community is not working in partnership. It was that community that was crying out for more police action; we took that step.”
Jeffries says the police will continue with their ongoing anti-crime operation and maintains that the neighbourhoods that have recently been in the spotlight are targeted because that’s where a disproportionate number of habitual criminals live or hang out.