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Home » Trials » Testimony admissible, Hertular trial resumes Aug. 1
Jul 9, 2001

Testimony admissible, Hertular trial resumes Aug. 1

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Chief Magistrate Herbert Lord today concluded the trial within a trial in the drug case of the Hertular brothers. After reading testimony given by Dragon Unit officers who conducted the May ninth search on Hadrian Hertular’s premises in Ladyville, Lord decided that Hadrian’s words on that night will be admitted as evidence. It is alleged that Hertular told police “if unu mi come last night unu woulda find two pump action, three 357, the drugs and the money.” Lord held that since no evidence suggested that the words were uttered under torture or mental distress the statement was admissible. The substantive trial resumes on the August first. Until then Hadrian and Robert Hertular remain on remand at Hattieville Prison. They are charged with trafficking two thousand, five hundred and fifty-four pounds of cocaine.

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