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Oct 27, 2009

Situation in Honduras reaching boiling point

Story PictureThe Ambassador also touched on the situation in Honduras where the political pressure is close to boiling point as a result of the June twenty-eighth arrest of President Manuel Zelaya. Zelaya was ousted by Roberto Micheletti who has since assumed control of the government and refuses to step down. Demonstrations and curfews have since become a regular part of the country’s landscape. But the situation took a turn for the worse this past weekend. On Sunday, police found the remains of Enzo Micheletti, the nephew of Roberto, near Choloma, about one hundred and fifty-five miles north of the capital, along with the body of another youth. Twenty-five year old Enzo was the son of Micheletti’s brother. Enzo disappeared on Friday, and the authorities have not ruled out a political motive for the death. At his first interview session with the Belize media this morning, the U.S. Ambassador said that its time for the political leaders of Honduras to stand up and reinstate the constitution of democratic principles.

Vinai Thummalapally
“The United States has been working feverishly since day one in this crisis and we continue to. There’s been no waffling whatsoever on the part of where the United States stood. We have worked closely in partnership with essentially all members of the Organization of American States to help bring due process to what has happened there. So most recent development was discouraging in that the two parties, the representatives of president Zelaya and the de-facto regime have gone to sort of an old patter which is discouraging. But the United States strongly supports and recommends that everyone involved refrains from making anything worse using inflammatory language or any kind of moves. We strongly support, it’s the time for the political leaders of the Honduras to step up and act in a manner that’s suitable to reinstate the constitution of democratic principles that the country has been founded on. America supports that and is hoping that both sides will come back to the table and take the right actions.”

And on Sunday, unidentified attackers shot and killed a colonel outside his home in Tegucigalpa, the capital city. On the other hand, Zelaya remains inside the Brazilian embassy, since his return to Honduras on September twenty first.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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