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Home » Trials » Defence challenges police in Hertular trial
Jun 29, 2001

Defence challenges police in Hertular trial

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The trial of Hadrian and Robert Hertular continued today in Magistrate’s Court number one. Cross examinations of yesterday’s witnesses were conducted by defence attorney Simeon Sampson. Sampson challenged P.C. Sosa’s account of what transpired at the scene of the drug discovery at the Hertular home in Ladyville on May ninth. Sosa, of the Dragon Unit, alleges that Hadrian Hertular told police that they were “lucky the search wasn’t conducted on the night of May eighth because they would have found in his possession two twelve gauge shotguns, three .357 handguns, the drugs and the money.” But according to Sampson, this statement was not included in Sosa’s original report detailing the search and discovery of the drugs. The Hertular trial will continue on Monday before Chief Magistrate Herbert Lord. The brothers are charged with drug trafficking, namely two thousand, five hundred and fifty-four pounds of cocaine.

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