Citizen petitions city on speed limit
On last night’s newscast we highlighted a campaign by the police and City Council to crack down on speeders with the introduction of radar technology. Well, if the imposition of a twenty-five mile per hour speed limit on the Northern Highway struck you as overly strict, you’re not alone. Today one agitated motorist launched a campaign that he’s hoping will quickly pick up speed.
Jason Guerrero, Petitioning to raise speed limit
“Right now I am on a mission to petitioning the City Council to increase the speed limit from twenty-five miles back up. I think a reasonable speed compromise would be forty miles per hour for trucks and busses and forty-five miles an hour for cars.
I live in Vista del Mar. Trying to get to the city usually in takes me about fifteen to twenty minutes. If I were to drive twenty-five miles per hour for that stretch, it would take an additional ten minutes or so.”
Brent Toombs
“So how’s the public’s response been to your petition so far?”
Jason Guerrero
“The response has not been what I thought it would be, what I expected. I don’t know if people are concerned about having their names and addresses on this sheet, rather than whether or not they support this petition.”
Brent Toombs
“And for people who are interested in adding their name to the petition?”
Jason Guerrero
“I’ll be walking around, and other people who are against this idea can start their own petition and that will probably be a more practical effort and make more of an impact by submitting all these petitions to the Belize City Council.”