Youth Dept. encourages summer jobs
Third and fourth form students from Belize City high schools stand to benefit from a “supervised occupational experience” for the summer. Youth director Shawn McKoy-Gill says the six-week programme will assist needy students with a stipend, while they learn on the job. The money they earn will go towards school books and uniforms.
Shawn McKoy-Gill, Youth Dir.
“They will be doing everything from construction to store clerks to reception work. One person will be at an engineering company, the other will be at one of the banks and some of the major supermarkets in our country, so it covers a wide range of experience. Our aim right now is to appeal to the businesses. If they have the space to take one of these students for the summer, we’re asking the general public if they can sponsor, either by themselves or collectively, one student for the programme to do so, to help place these other thirty before the summer is out.”
Ann-Marie Williams
“This experience is not only a financial one I take it? You’re also preparing the students to face the world of work.”
Shawn McKoy-Gill
“Most definitely. They’ve had to submit resumes. They’ve had to go through a rigorous interview and think it will just show up so well on their resume that they have had this work experience before graduating from college.”
Business establishments and members of the public who would like to contribute to the summer job programme are asked to call the Youth Department at 02-32805.